"Nuestros servicios"

"Me gusta observar edificios, disfruto de la fotografía y no me importa conducir. Tengo 25 años de experiencia en la compra y venta de propiedades, siete de ellos específicamente en Andalucía, donde he comprado seis propiedades por cuenta propia. He tenido mi propio negocio de reparaciones y realizo muchas de mis propias renovaciones, así que creo que entiendo el mercado. No tengo ningún interés personal, ni afiliación con agentes; mi consejo es puramente personal y basado en mis propias experiencias. La única pregunta que queda, ¿puedo volar?"


I work to an hourly rate when I am flying and editing and mileage allowance when I drive to a job. I want to be flexible to suit my clients needs.

Checking any damage after a storm can be done in real time, or save time effort and money purchasing a property by having a true visual check of a roof.
gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building

I can save a wasted journey with a true picture of the surrounding area, rather than an agents view. Equally I can create a story and aspirational video that helps build a picture and sells a dream

white concrete building during daytime
white concrete building during daytime
Land review

Cover large areas for quick visual inspection of crops, assesment of stock, flood damage